Many life problems for which you seek help in psychotherapy are rooted in habits and behavior patterns that have gotten in the way of performing the basic and important tasks in life. When this happens, we might remark, “I’m in a rut”. Despite knowing that one should get a night’s sleep rather than watch video’s until 4AM, it can seem impossible to change one’s behavior by sheer force of will. This is especially true when, for example, your doctor recommends that you lose weight, quit smoking, or begin to exercise.

At Common Sense Therapy, we work hard to quickly identify the factors that keep you in your rut; we make a time-limited plan to create self-awareness, learn coping skills and tools for change, and implement those tools and skills. When you emerge from you rut, your newly found energy can be harnessed to sustain your gains into the future. It is axiomatic that behavior change precedes change in mood and anxiety. Relief from emotional distress frees you to stay out of ruts in the future.